Thursday, February 28, 2013

What The....

During my trip to Mega Mart, the Costco-esque mega-store in Montego Bay, we decided to buy our lunch from the cafeteria there.  First of all, it was so cheap!  Second, it was soooooooooo good!!
I had the fried chicken, rice and peas, and veggies...I think it came to around $400J, which is about $4 Canadian.
...sorry, I ate that delicious hunk of skin before I took the was worth every calorie too!!
So, with this delicious meal I got the craziest fork I have ever first I thought it was a Jamaican thing, but even my Jamaican friends had no idea what the deal was with it!  You will see the the picture, below, that the tines are all different lengths and angles - it was not  broken, it was made like that, I kid you not!  So, if anyone can enlighten me regarding the meaning of this crazy-ass fork, please leave the info in the comments below!!


  1. I've been to Jamaica, but I got nothin'! Very weird! And I am sure you are going to get a whole lotta wise-cracks on here! Can't wait to see them all!

  2. Hi Jodi - first what a delightful blog. I feel your enthusiasm even though my first trip to Jamaica was 30 years ago! And the fork - I've gotten those. No idea what they are except that in Jamaica, you tend to get "seconds" of everything from forks to dresses to cookware...the food is fresh but a lot of other stuff is not, lol. Because it is a poor country either they get a deal on the deformed fork or several slip into a package so because it is a poor country, all get used.

    1. thank you so much!
      I had a good giggle at the fork... ;)

  3. LMAO at the fork! WTH! I can assure you this is not normal in just got a bum fork LOL.

    I ate in that cafeteria once too. MegaMart is an awesome place to shop if you're looking for anything/everything!

    Hey how come I didn't know you have a blog??

    1. Mega Mart was a blast! I don't know why you didn't know! I post links to it on my FB when I post! I need to sit down and do some more posts....thank you for reading and commenting girl!!
